Beautiful Presentations | Studio

Jul 2, 20202 min

Planets most precious resource wasted!

Child's natural intelligence.

What is it that effortlessly makes us happy & fearless?

That helps us see the humanity in not just humans but also animals or non-living. That helps us easily mingle with everyone regardless of race, creed, nationality, or wealth. That enables curiosity & wonder but also superior questioning ability without education. That helps us with supple & innocent vision that sees more & enjoys simple things. Its child’s natural intelligence. Given freely by nature to all…but ruined by mankind with parental neglect, modern education & technology. Why?

Are children treated with respect & merit that they deserve for their natural abilities or…we dismiss their natural intelligence as mere “childishness”?

Five aspects that may be hindering the development of a child’s natural intelligence…

  1. Fear lead “merit-based education” that creates working skills but not a true understanding of the world?

  2. Shallow parental affection that substitutes objects with true respect & time for children? 

  3. Expensive private education that only increase the chasm between parents & kids.

  4. Excessive dependence on strangers who are not emotionally vested in kids -baby sitters & teachers.

  5. Assuming ivy league colleges will do it all, only to discover they will not fix the damage from parental neglect & just add to bills. 

Are we forgetting our ancestors become humans not by delegating education or relying on consumerism or technology or by video babysitting…but by spending time with grownups, learning by demonstration & emotional care?  

If adults had a choice they would become a child to start over again… but we know nothing in the world can buy childhood & the goodness that comes with it…so why do we destroy this precious gift? 

How does one nurture the childlike goodness & intelligence as one grows into an adult & reverse the damage done? 

Every time you are stressed do what a child would do… 

Play don’t frown. 

Engage not discriminate. 

Angry- forget it quickly. 

Restless- take joy in simple things. 

Got less money- get going with what you have!   

Someone not paying you to attention- find someone else. 

Doubtful- ask questions freely. 

Feeling lonely- empathize with everyone to grow your belongingness! 

Bored- play or compete with your kids.

Grown-up kids not paying attention- join them. 

Loosen up & have fun to see your respect, intimacy & intelligence grow & troubles reduce!

Struggling to strike a balance while having fun with kids…encourage kids to think about how they would react to situations as parents… to see their sense of responsibility grow.

In the digital age, the only true friends that our kids will have is their parents… parents need kids to rediscover what they have truly lost… that will help them become a better human. 

Still not sure, observe to take cues from kindness, care & respect the parent has for its’ baby in the natural world!

Let the child’s natural intelligence flourish & enlighten you.

Watch the 9 minute art-grade animation on our YouTube channel.
